Sub-250 Gram FPV Drones
Micro UAV Systems
No Prerequisites
​In-Person Course
All Online Curriculum
Course Dates
Micro UAV Systems
Dec 16 - Feb 9 (off for holidays)
6 weeks
This course is ONLINE SELF-PACED
* Call our office to be added to the call-back list
RF Communications
Antenna theory and practical application
Three phase brushless motor operation
Electronic Speed Controls
Battery Theory and Technology
Power Requirement Calculation
PID Control and computer based flight control
Composite Materials
Precision measuring tools
Hand tools
Community resources
Regulations and Certification
Thanks to continual technological developments it's possible to build very small aerial vehicles that weigh under 250 grams and still maintain excellent flight control.
These are FPV (First Person Video) vehicles that allow you to see through the onboard camera as it flies and with the speed and agility to navigate any obstacles.
This course is structured similar to Industrial UAV Systems but differs in the utilization and build complexity.
Even though it has the same elements Industrial UAV, the small size, soldering and fitment of all the require components can be quite challenging.
Understand that these vehicles are built from the component level, parts are purchased from various vendors, and product compatibility must be researched.
** Important Class Information **
It should be stressed that this class demands a lot of technical application. Some of the key points are listed section that follows.
We are here to help, but please don't sign up for this course if you are not prepared to deal with fairly complex technological concepts.
Course Overview
Critical Information
To avoid misconceptions, we've put together a list detailing the goals and expectations of the course. Many people have seen the "assisted navigation" type vehicles and incorrectly believe that is what we're working with in class.
We're teaching this course to prepare individuals for the perceived wide spread usage of remote aerial vehicles in all industries.
Students will learn to build from the component level.
There will be a great deal of soldering involved in the course. Mostly wires to small pads around 1mm square.
7 inch vehicle used in Remote Aerial Service Platform
These are not autonomous vehicles. We do not use GPS or any other navigation mechanisms. We feel this takes the student further away from the core understanding of the vehicle operation.
* Assisted navigation (Similar to DJI and Autel) is a topic of our second level "Remote Aerial Service Platform" course.
The components of these vehicles are typically very cutting edge new technology. Students should not expect to find materials or equipment as part of a kit.
These are not made by the same manufacturer nor do they have detailed interoperability diagrams. Therefore step-by-step, or the clearest of instructions is not at all expected.
Please understand this fully and be prepared for it. Learning how to learn what to do, rather than what to do for this specific instance, is a core concept of the course.
Final Words
If all of that hasn't scared you away then maybe this type of detailed practical learning is right for you. There is such a great amount to be learned in "drone tech", yet each element can bring so much more satisfaction. From a new receiver that increases range to discovering a different configuration that greatly increases high speed stability. It's really the perfect tool for getting people into complex technology by focusing on the desire to fly.
Course Dates
Micro UAV Systems
Dec 16 - Feb 9 (off for holidays)
6 weeks
You can register by phone between 9am and 4pm PDT
Important - You will need a CTCLink ID number in order for us to help you over the phone or in person. You can follow the steps below to get one.
Fill out an application to Edmonds College:
* This can take 1-5 business days to get your ID
A few notes for your application:
Enroll as: "First Year"
Program: "Professional Technical"
Term: "_____" (Season plus year, such as: Spring 2023)
Degree or Certificate: "Undecided - Professional Technical"
Once you have received your CTC Link ID number please let us know and we can get you registered for your class.
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Registering Online
Washington State colleges are now using CTCLink for all student services.
Follow the link below - login in or create an account
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Choose "Manage Classes"
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Online Registration Login Page - CTCLInk
NOTE - All our classes fall under "Special Topics: Manufacturing".